"The Big Mo"

We are scholars. We enjoy scholarly pursuits. At P.S. 163, we're bringing science back to the South Bronx.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Science of St. Nick

"Ms. Miller, can I ask you a personal question?" Angel in Ms. D'Ascoli's class asked this afternoon. "Is Santa Claus real?"

Actually, scientists have proved it! Every Christmas a team of scientists tracks Santa's path from the North Pole using radar. Radar is a way to tell where people and things are. It measures where you are by the invisible waves you let out everywhere you go. In this case, this radar is called "SantaCam." Basically, scientists use a digital camera and take many pictures of Santa as he flies through the air with his eight reindeer.

So yes, Santa is real. Tell your friends. Please also remind them that fake Christmas is in July, not March, which is St. Patrick's month. (Erin go bragh!)

NORAD Santa radar (en espanol)
Radar Online (celebrity news, not about real radar)
St. Patrick's Day Games (GAMES, people!)

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